Need Help With Your Finances? Get Suze Orman’s Money Course for Free This Week

suze orman

Getting a handle on your finances can be overwhelming. Sometimes, I just wish someone would walk me through everything step by step.

That’s why I was excited to discover that, for the rest of this week, Suze Orman is offering her online personal finance course for FREE. (Sign up using the code “TODAY” before 8 p.m. EST on Friday, October 3.)

In this easy-to-follow online course, you’ll learn about everything from paying off student loans to saving for retirement to buying your first house. The content is yours to keep, and will be updated as she adds more.

When asked why she created the course, Orman told TODAY: “People need to know about their money and they don’t have any place to go on a regular basis… or they can’t afford [financial advice].” Sounds like a pretty good reason to us!

How to Get Ahead With Orman’s Course

The course has seven modules, each featuring videos, worksheets and plenty of motivational talk from Orman herself:

  1. Overcoming Your Financial Obstacles
  2. Be Debt-Free
  3. Retirement Rules
  4. Invest for Success
  5. Big Ticket Items: Buying a Car or Home
  6. Making Finances a Family Affair
  7. The Must-Have Documents & Insurance

The best part? The fluffy inspirational stuff is all accompanied by actionable tips and advice.

“When you leave, you’re not going to just leave here with knowledge,” promises Orman in the introductory video. “If you have credit card debt, oh, you’re going to get out of credit card debt — because we’re going to give you a plan to do so.”

When I first learned about the course, I skeptically assumed it would be nothing more than self-promotion for Orman — but as I looked through the modules, I was pleasantly surprised by both its accessibility and comprehensiveness.

“This is a course that’s going to teach how you to get rid of the emotional blocks that are keeping you from being more — and give you the tools as well so that you can have your dreams come true,” says Orman.

Though making your dreams come true will undoubtedly require a lot of additional effort on your part, I do agree that getting your finances in order is important — and Orman’s course is an excellent place to start. It’s free for the next week, so what do you have to lose?

Go download Suze Orman’s free course today. (Don’t forget: the offer expires at 8 p.m. EST on Friday, October 3.)

Your Turn: Have you taken the course? What do you think?

Susan Shain, senior writer for The Penny Hoarder, is always seeking adventure on a budget. Visit her blog at, or say hi on Twitter @susan_shain.