Need a Job After the Military? These 800 Companies Want to Hire Veterans

jobs for veterans

One surprisingly difficult part of the military? Making the transition to civilian life. After you’ve been in the service, it can be tough to find a job that is challenging, interesting and pays well.

But companies are looking for people like you.

Nearly 40% of employers are actively recruiting veterans over the next year, according to a recent CareerBuilder survey, and 69% say that, if given two equally qualified candidates, they’d hire a veteran over someone else.

Who’s Hiring Vets?

So companies want to hire you — but which ones? Where should you look for jobs?  

For starters, check VetCentral; it lists more than 800 companies actively hiring veterans. Click on a company’s name, and it automatically displays available positions.

Or browse Military Times’ annual list of the best employers for vets, which ranks more than 70 companies based on factors like military spouse policies, treatment of reservists and percentage of veteran hires.

Rather search by job than company? Don’t miss eBenefits, which not only has a veterans jobs bank, but also helpful tools like a military skills translator and a list of veteran career fairs.

If you need more guidance, don’t be afraid to ask for help: Visit your local VA or turn to an organization like Hire Heroes USA.

Your Turn: Are you getting out of the military soon? Where will you look for jobs?

Susan Shain, senior writer for The Penny Hoarder, is always seeking adventure on a budget. Visit her blog at, or say hi on Twitter @susan_shain.