This Work-From-Home Job Will Actually Pay You to Fight Off Internet Trolls

Following your favorite brands on social media is a great way to stay updated on their latest deals and news.
Unfortunately, it’s also a great way to see the worst side of some of their other customers.
Hateful, rude and just plain unnecessary comments abound on social media, sometimes drowning out the good conversations and valuable information you want.
A new company — BrandBastion — offers a solution, and now you can be part of it.
Be a Customer Success Manager at BrandBastion
BrandBastion specializes in brand protection on social media.
It promises to “remove harmful user-generated content such as spam, racism, scam attempts and competitor promotions from clients’ social media posts … within eight minutes, 24/7.”
That’s where the customer success manager comes in.
In this position, you would develop and maintain relationships with clients — “some of the world’s coolest and most innovative companies” — and help protect them on social media.
The startup is looking for quick learners, since trends and algorithms on social media evolve almost constantly. You should also be familiar with and have a genuine interest in social media and online marketing.
This is a remote position so you can work from anywhere.
A few times per year, you’ll need to fly to customers, who are mostly located in California and New York, and to company headquarters in Palo Alto or Helsinki, Finland.
Pay and Benefits
In addition to travel, this social media job comes with the benefit of getting in on the ground floor with a VC-backed company in a new industry. It’s a fit for anyone who likes to learn — fast — and be part of developing a growing company.
“This position is not for you if you are looking for a 9 to 5 job,” the company warns in its listing.
The listing promises a “competitive salary,” but no specifics, and doesn’t mention other benefits, so we suspect this is a part-time or contract position. We reached out to the company for details, but haven’t heard back as of this writing.
Are you ready to “make the world a better place by offering an efficient solution for fighting scammers and trolls on social media”?
To apply: Fill out the online application here.
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Your Turn: Would you take a job fighting internet trolls?
Dana Sitar (@danasitar) is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder. She’s written for Huffington Post,, Writer’s Digest and more, attempting humor wherever it’s allowed (and sometimes where it’s not).