This Work-From-Home Resume Writing Job Pays Up to $50/Hour — Apply Now

Woman's hand working on a laptop on her desk.
Chris Zuppa/The Penny Hoarder.

Ugh! Should I include a summary at the top or not? Is this the correct format? How far back do I go with my job history?

Writing a resume can be frustrating, which is why people pay top dollar to have professionals do it for them. If you’re someone who doesn’t struggle with writing resumes and wants to make some extra money, then you’ve come to the right place.

Boardroom Resumes is looking for a master resume writer and is offering between $25-$50 per hour depending on experience. This work-from-home contract gig will have you building and editing resumes for senior managers and executives.

Applicants must have a resume-writing certification and five or more years of experience crafting resumes.

The following certifications will be accepted:

If resume writing is not part of your skillset, no sweat. Check out our Jobs page on Facebook. We post new opportunities there all the time.

Master Resume Writer at Boardroom Resumes

Pay: $25 to $50 per hour, depending on experience

Applicants must:

  • Have a near perfect grasp of the English language
  • Have a certification from one of the resume-writing certifying bodies: Resume Writing Academy (most preferred), NCRW or PARW
  • Have five or more years of resume writing experience
  • Deliver projects on time
  • Work independently
  • Have the ability to write resumes for executive-level positions, technical jobs and management roles
  • Have access to Microsoft Office
  • Must meet once a week via video conferencing for status updates

Apply here for the Master Resume Writer at Boardroom Resumes.

Matt Reinstetle is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.