100+ Awesome Scholarships That Will Help You Pay for College
If applying to college is a nerve-wracking experience, then I’m not sure how to explain the fear and dread involved in paying for it once you get in.
But wait, it gets worse: student loans, anyone?
Before you know it, your excitement about getting into college can be totally trumped by anxiety about costs.
Luckily, there are thousands of scholarships for college students that can help you pay for school. Whether you’re in high school, college or even graduate school, you’re likely eligible for a fair amount of money.
You don’t need to get straight-A’s, be in dire financial straits or participate in a ton of extracurricular activities every day to earn a scholarship. In some cases, a special skill or interest area — like having creative ways of earning or saving money — can help you win money to use for tuition, housing or textbooks.
Here’s a list of tons of awesome scholarships to get you started on your search. Application rules and deadlines can change, so be sure to read all of the eligibility requirements on the funding organization’s website before applying.
50 Effortless Methods to Boost Your Income This Week
If you needed extra money, like, yesterday, you’ve come to the right spot.
Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this week.
This is a long list, so don’t get overwhelmed. Go ahead and start now, but be sure to bookmark this post so you can easily return later. We’ll keep it updated as offers changes or expire.
We will be updating this list throughout the year so make sure to check back throughout the year to see if there are any new scholarship opportunities.
Happy scholarship hunting!
These organizations offer awards several times a year — during spring and fall semesters, quarterly or even monthly. Even if you’ve missed the earliest deadline this year, take a look to see if there’s another one coming up!
1. AfterCollege/AACN Scholarship Fund
This fund awards a scholarship of $2,500 each quarter to students enrolled at an American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) member institution. Awards can be used toward bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees in nursing.
The selection committee gives special consideration to students enrolled in a graduate program to become a nurse educator; students completing an RN-to-BSN or RN-to-MSN program; and those enrolled in an accelerated program.
Deadlines: March 31, June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31
2. CollegeSTEPS Sweepstakes
Wells Fargo sponsors this award, which is open to high school students ages 14 and up, and all undergraduates. A total of 12 applicants — six high school students and six college students — are selected throughout the year via random drawing to win $5,000 each.
Deadline: None – random selection throughout the year.
3. Courage to Grow
This monthly scholarship award of $500 is available to high school juniors and seniors, and college students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. You’ll have to submit a short essay.
Deadline: The last day of each month.
4. United States Senate Youth Program
Two high school juniors and seniors from each state, Washington, D.C. and the Department of Defense Education Activity are chosen each year for this program, which includes a $10,000 scholarship. The 104 selected students will travel to Washington, D.C. as delegates for Washington Week. Applicants must be participants in student government. A principal or teacher nomination is required.
Deadlines: Range from July to November, depending on your state.
5. “No Essay” College Scholarship
Yes, there’s a scholarship you can win without writing an essay! Niche.com offers this monthly drawing, which is open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone planning to enroll in college or graduate school within 12 months.
Deadline: End of each month
6. $1,000 Local Survey Sweepstakes
Tell Niche.com about your neighborhood and be entered into a monthly drawing for $1,000. Submit a new entry each month for a better chance of winning.
Deadline: End of each month
7. CaptainU Student-Athlete Scholarship
CaptainU is a site that allows student athletes to promote themselves to colleges and helps college coaches manage their recruiting efforts.
High school and junior college students who play sports and plan to attend a four-year college can apply for this $2,000 award by completing a profile and promoting themselves and CaptainU on social media.
Deadline: Quarterly
8. DoSomething.org Campaign Scholarships
Volunteer your time for any DoSomething.org campaigns (examples include hosting a canned food drive or sharing ways to combat bullying), and you could win up to $22,000. Submit photos of your campaign work to enter.
The only requirement is that you’re between 13 and 25 years old; if you’re not in college when you win, the organization will hold onto your prize until you head to college.
Deadline: Varies by the campaign
9. Golden Key International Honour Society Scholarships
Golden Key International Honour Society is based on three principles: academics, leadership and service. It offers more than half a million dollars in scholarships each year to its undergraduate and graduate members.
Deadline: Varies by scholarship
10. Nitro College Scholarship
To win $5,000, fill out the scholarship survey, and answer three short questions. As an added bonus, you can refer a friend for a $1,000 scholarship. If your friend includes your name on their application and wins, you get a $1,000 scholarship, as well. They have four deadlines this year.
Deadlines: March 31, June 30, Sept. 30 and Dec. 31
11. Howtostartablog.com Scholarship Program
Open to any high school senior, this scholarship requires you to get a bit creative.
Following the website’s guides, create your own blog about something you’re passionate about. Then, on your new blog, post a video and talk about how you see the blogging world impacting the future of the digital age and working in America. The award is $2,500.
Deadlines: Applications are accepted year-round; winners will be chosen March 31
12. Appraisal Institute Education Trust Undergraduate Scholarship
Students who are already enrolled part time or full time toward an associate or bachelor’s degree focusing on real estate may apply for this $1,000 award. You must demonstrate academic achievement. Submit a short personal statement, two recommendations, your transcript and your resume.
Deadline: Varies based on scholarship
13. The Festivus Scholarship
Students returning to school after a gap in their education can earn $250 by winning four rounds of quizzes on common knowledge facts. Enter by registering at the Common Knowledge Scholarship Fund and entering the fall quiz (typically begins in early September) or spring quiz (typically starts in early January).
Deadline: December and April
14. Best Reviews Design Scholarship
This scholarship accepts any candidate who are either currently studying in high school or college or can prove they are enrolled to start at a future date. To win this $2,000 scholarship, write up to 500 words on how product design can impact the world in a positive way. There are two cycles each year for this one.
Deadlines: June 1 and Dec. 1
You can apply for these scholarships from July through September.
Note: Some of the following scholarships have multiple deadlines so they may be listed in both the fall and the spring lists.
1. Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
Women who study business or are enrolled in a business-related program may apply for this scholarship through their local Zonta club, which awards 12 international scholarships of $7,000 and 32 district/region scholarships of $1,000. There’s no age limit to apply.
Deadlines: Varies by local clubs; club-level finalists must be presented to regional representatives by July 1.
2. Resume Companion Annual Scholarship Giveaway
Enter to win this $1,000 scholarship by creating a resume for a fictional character. There is no GPA requirement for this award.
Deadline: July 14
3. SportFact’s $1000 Scholarship
Love sports statistics? Sportsfact.org wants to know how you’re going to use your passion for sports data in a unique and impactful manner. Fill out this application to apply.
Deadline: July 31
4. CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program
This is more of a program commitment than it is simply a scholarship. This opportunity is offered through the CIA and is open to any high school senior planning to attend a four-year college, or a current college student.
If selected, you’ll receive a salary of up to $18,000 per year, as well as full benefits. In exchange, you’ll work at the CIA in Washington, D.C. every summer.
Deadline: Aug. 14
5. Race Entry Scholarship
Race Entry wants to hear your reason for running in a race. The award is open to any college student. The winner will receive a $500 scholarship.
Deadline: Aug. 15
6. “You Deserve It” Scholarship Sweepstakes
Offered by ScholarshipOwl, simply create an account on the scholarship-finding website, and you’ll be entered to win this $1,000 scholarship.
The scholarship is available to any high school or college student who’s at least 16 years old.
Deadline: Aug. 29
7. Cappex Easy Money Scholarship
Every month, Cappex chooses a winner for its $1,000 scholarship. Any high school or college student may apply. This really is easy money — all you have to do is complete the application on the website, and you’ll be entered to win.
Deadline: Aug. 31
8. C.I.P. Scholarship
College is Power awards $1,000 to entering or continuing students in full- or part-time programs. Funds can be used for tuition, books, room and board, and other related expenses.
Deadline: Aug. 31
9. Clubs of America Scholarship
Any college student with a 3.0 GPA may apply for this $1,000 scholarship. Write an essay of at least 600 words about your career aspirations.
Deadline: Aug. 31
10. MoolahSPOT Scholarship
MoolahSPOT’s $1,000 scholarship is open to students from around the world, but your 400-word essay and application must be submitted in English. New and current college students and graduate students can apply.
Deadline: Aug. 31
11. Scholarship Detective Launch Scholarship
Free registration for ScholarshipDetective.com and a 140-character or less statement are all you need to enter this drawing for one of two $1,000 scholarships.
Deadline: Aug. 31
12. American Hort Scholarships
HRI provides seven scholarship funds for agriculture students. You could be awarded up to $4,000, depending on which scholarships you’re eligible for.
Deadline: Sept. 8
13. Muggets Scholarship
Students who are already enrolled in vocational, undergraduate and graduate programs in horticulture and have at least a 2.25 GPA may apply for this $1,500 scholarship. Two recommendations are required.
Deadline: Sept. 8
14. Thomas “Sarge” Johnson Scholarship
These 11 scholarships are available for active USA Boxing members who have have competed in at least two sanctioned bouts in this year, as well as each of the last two calendar years. Applicants should have completed at least one semester in a college, technical or vocational school.
There are two trade school awards for $2,000 each, seven undergraduate awards for $3,000 each and two graduate awards for $2,500 each.
Deadline: Sept. 15
15. CoffeeForLess.com “Hit the Books” Scholarship
If you’re a college student between ages 18 to 25, you can enter to win $500 by writing a 500-word essay on why your education is important to you. You’ll score bonus points if you can work your love of coffee into your essay.
Deadlines: Jan. 31 and Sept. 30
16. Odenza Marketing Scholarship
If you have at least a 2.5 GPA, submit two short essays on given topics to be considered for a $500 scholarship. This scholarship is open to American and Canadian students ages 16 to 25.
Deadline: Sept. 30
17. SkinCare Ox: Beauty + Wellness Scholarship
SkinCare Ox wants to offer $500 in financial aid as well as a goodie basket to a young woman who strives for personal wellness and a healthier life. Applicants are asked to submit an essay (500 words maximum) about their personal journey with health and wellness.
Deadline: Sept. 30
18. Top Reveal Scholarship
Have thoughts about the smart home trend? They could win you this scholarship! Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be enrolled in a college or university. They will be asked to write a “school caliber essay” relating to one of three smart home topics.
Deadline: Sept. 30
19. AfterCollege Succurro Scholarship
Full-time undergraduate and graduate students with at least a 2.5 GPA can apply for this $500 scholarship that chooses one winner per quarter.
Deadline: Sept. 30
You can apply for these scholarships from October through December.
1. Create Real Impact
Your creative entry about distracted driving could win you a $500 or $1,500 prize. Along with the grand prizewinner of $1,500, the committee also chooses one Spanish language winner and one American Sign Language winner.
Deadline: Oct. 6
2. NSCA Foundation Scholarship
If you’re pursuing a career in strength and conditioning, such as physical therapy, coaching, or personal training, the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation awards 5 different scholarships in every year.
Scholarships are worth $1,500 each and students must be current NSCA members by the application deadline.
Deadline: Oct. 15
3. College JumpStart Scholarship
Open to anyone in grades 10 to 12 or currently enrolled in college, along with nontraditional students, the College JumpStart Scholarship offers various award amounts to students who are committed to their educations and their communities. Submit a brief personal statement about your goals and achievements to apply.
Deadlines: April 15 and Oct. 17
4. Voice of Democracy
This scholarship judges applicants by short essay told via audio in three to five minutes. The national first-place winner receives $30,000 to use at any U.S. college or vocational school; scholarships of $1,000 to $16,000 are also awarded.
Deadline: Oct. 31
5. Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship
Coca-Cola has multiple scholarship programs, but its main scholarship offers 150 awards of $20,000 for graduating high school seniors. Applicants will be judged for their capacity to lead and serve.
Deadline: Oct. 31
6. MigVapor Essay Contest
Applicants must write an essay about “a viable solution to help smokers make a positive change in their lives” and include topics such as e-cigarettes and vaporizers. This award is open to all full-time undergraduate and graduate students over age 18.
There are three awards; you could win up to $1,900. The application cycle reopens each semester.
Deadline: Nov. 1
7. Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
U.S. students in grades 5-12 who have participated in community service in the most recent 12 months are eligible to receive a Spirit of Community Award from Prudential.
National Honorees receive a $5,000 award, a medallion, a trophy and a $5,000 grant to a charity of choice. State Honorees receive an award of $1,000, a medallion and a paid trip to Washington, D.C.
Deadline: Nov. 17
8. Unigo Education Matters Scholarship
This scholarship requires current or incoming college students to write a short response to win $5,000. You must write your response about what you would say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter or that college is a waste of time.
Deadline: Nov. 30
9. Groza Learning Center Education Scholarship
In order to be eligible for this 1000 dollar scholarship students should write a short essay about the word redemption. They want to hear your comeback story and help students pay for higher education.
Deadline: Nov. 30
10. Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship
One student from every school can be nominated by their principal for this $1,000 scholarship for students who show a strong commitment to and involvement in community service, leadership and academics. There are also higher levels of scholarships for eligible winners.
Since the inception of the program in 2000, more than $26 million has been awarded to more than 25,000 students.
Deadline: Nov. 30
11. Lawrence A. Golding Scholarship
The American College of Sports Medicine honors one undergraduate student at its annual ACSM Health & Fitness Summit with $1,000 in scholarship money and $1,000 credit to the ACSM store for DVDs, books or wearables.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors in college who have made a significant contribution to their community in the areas of health, fitness and/or education can apply.
Deadline: End of November
12. HomeSecurityList Smart Home Scholarship
HomeSecurityList is looking for a student interested in the “smart home revolution,” which includes home automation, the internet of things and home security. This scholarship is open to accepted high school seniors or current college and trade school students.
Submit a 1,000- to 2,000-word essay on a relevant topic involving the “smart home revolution” for a chance to win this $1,000 scholarship.
Deadline: Dec. 10
13. Agora Pulse Social Media Management Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is for “emerging social media geniuses,” and is open to both high school and college students who have an interest in social media management. To apply, write a brief essay that talks about the best use of social media management you’ve seen.
Deadline: Dec. 15
14. Burger King McLamore Foundation Scholarship
Burger King offers scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 for high school seniors or full-time college students who graduated high school within the last three years. The Burger King Scholarship requires a 2.5 GPA, while the McLamore requires a 3.3 GPA.
Deadline: Dec. 15
15. Publicity.ai Seo and Content Marketing Scholarship
Open to high school and college students, this $1,000 scholarship requires a passion for marketing. Write a short essay about the best use of content marketing you’ve seen — they’re looking for the “next generation of marketing leaders.”
Deadline: Dec. 15
16. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Scholarship
For high school seniors entering a four-year, accredited U.S. college or university, Foot Locker awards $20,000 scholarships to 20 students each year.
Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, be a member in good standing of a high school sports team or be involved in an after-school sport.
Deadline: End of December
17. $500 Culinary Scholarship
High school students interested in culinary school, along with current culinary students, can enter to win this $500 award from Niche.com.
Deadline: Dec. 31
18. $500 Nursing Scholarship
Future and current nursing students can apply for this $500 scholarship from Niche.com.
Deadline: Dec. 31
19. Community College Scholarship
Niche.com offers $500 to current and anticipated community college students.
Deadline: Dec. 31
20. Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
This $1,000 scholarship is a merit-based award open to incoming and current college or graduate students. Applicants must submit a 250-word essay.
Deadline: Dec. 31
21. Luigi Wewege Foundation Scholarship
Luigi Wewege is offering a $1500 scholarship towards academic tuition fees. The applicant would fill out the application linked and write a short essay about how retail banking would change in the next 25 years.
Deadline: Dec. 31
22. Unigo $10K Scholarship
Surprise! You’ve just been elected president. What’s your first tweet? Answer the question, and you could win a $10,000 scholarship. You must enroll in college no later than fall 2023.
Deadline: Dec. 31
You should apply for these scholarships from January through March.
1. Princeton Prize in Race Relations
This cash prize of $1,000 is awarded to students in grades 9-12 who’ve used community service to significantly encourage positive race relations during the past 12 months.
Winners also receive an all-expenses paid trip to Princeton University for its symposium on race. One prize is awarded in each of the 27 regions in which the organization operates.
Deadline: January
2. Triple-Impact Competitor Scholarship
The Positive Coaching Alliance awards high-school juniors $1,000-$2,000 scholarships based on their essays about improving themselves, their teammates and the game.
Students must reside in the U.S. and play for a high school team or in club sports. The organization awards a minimum of 62 scholarships every year.
Deadline: Jan. 1
3. The Annual CGTrader Scholarship
CGTrader is the largest 3D model marketplace. They are giving away a total of 3 scholarships: one $1,500 for a first person window and two $500 scholarships. In order to apply potential winners need to write an essay about “using games for social good and playful learning”.
Deadline: Jan. 15
4. Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships
The Ronald McDonald House Charities offers a handful of scholarships open to high school seniors. To be eligible, you just have to live in an area where there is a participating RMHC chapter.
Deadline: Jan. 17
5. Redfin Scholarship
To win this $2,500 scholarship write up to 800 words on the given prompt, which focuses on affordable housing. The scholarship is open to high school seniors, as well as college freshman, sophomores and juniors with a 3.0 GPA.
Deadline: Jan. 31
6. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Award
Minority high school students may apply for awards of up to $28,000 over four years to attend college. Scholarships also come with mentoring, leadership development and internship opportunities. The foundation awards about 60 scholarships per year.
Deadline: Feb. 15
7. AWS Foundation National Scholarship Program
The American Welding Society offers more than 30 scholarships to students in the U.S. and Canada who plan to pursue careers in welding. Awards tend to be for $2,500 or more, and many are open to students in attending a four-year college.
Students can create a single profile online through AWS to be matched with scholarship options.
Deadline: Feb. 15
8. Society of Women Engineers Scholarships
By completing a single application, women in engineering, engineering technology or computer science in the U.S. or Mexico can apply for a host of scholarships from SWE. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Awards range from about $1,000 to $20,000.
Deadline: Feb. 15 for sophomores and higher
9. Wear Action Scholarship
Do you use technology to help you stay fit? Write an essay about it to win this $500 scholarship. Any high school or college student with a 3.0 GPA is eligible. To apply, you must write at least 700 words on how fitness gadgets can impact your life for the better.
Deadline: Feb. 28
10. Frame My Future Scholarship Contest
To win this scholarship, high school seniors or current college students can submit a piece of art, such as a photograph, collage, poem, painting or other creative piece, along with a 500-word essay about your professional goals.
A panel of judges will select 24 finalists. Students who submit the top five entries, determined by public vote, will receive a $1,000 scholarship.
Deadline: March 1
11. American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship for Non-Traditional Students
The American Legion Auxiliary offers five scholarships of $2,000 each year to students returning to school after an interruption or adults who are starting higher education later in life.
Deadline: March 1
12. Life Lessons Scholarship Program
Applicants for this scholarship must submit an essay or short video about how losing a parent during childhood impacted their lives. Eighteen scholarships ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 will be awarded.
Deadline: March 1
13. Headphone Selection Scholarship Program
Open to any high school or college student, this $500 essay scholarship requires you to write up to 1,000 words on “The Effect of Sound on Productivity.” The scholarship seeks essays demonstrating well-crafted research and analysis.
Deadline: March 1
14. Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund
Entering first-year law students can apply for this award from the American Bar Association. Full-time and part-time students are eligible; 20 winners receive $15,000 over their three years of law school.
Deadline: March 2
15. Bodie McDowell Scholarship
Junior and senior undergraduates and graduate students studying outdoor communications or journalism may apply. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000, and there are three or more awards given each year.
Deadline: March 2
16. Veterans United Foundation Scholarship
Children or surviving spouses of a deceased service member or veteran of the US Military may apply. To get the scholarship you need to submit a typed essay explaining how losing your spouse or parent has affected you and what you hope to pursue.
Deadline: March 30
17. Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
This $10,000 scholarship goes to a student active in the social and economic justice movements. Submit a personal statement, two recommendations, a transcript, evidence of financial need and a photo.
Deadline: March 31
You should apply for these scholarships from April through June.
1. The Herbert Lehman Education Fund Scholarship
This $8,000 award from the NAACP Legal Defense Fund was originally created to help African-American students integrate into formerly segregated schools in the South and to increase their presence in the legal profession.
Any undergraduate student showing financial need, academic achievement and a commitment to public service is eligible to apply.
Deadline: April 1
2. College Success Scholarship
Study.com is offering $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors to apply to tuition. Applicants are required to fill out this application and write about why getting a college degree will help them achieve their goals.
Deadline: April 1
3. Michael Crossland Humanitarian Scholarship
The Golden Key International Honour Society awards its members around the world multiple scholarships, but this $1,000 award is specifically for U.S. students who serve children in need through breaking down barriers in education, sports or assisting families in need.
Deadline: April 1
4. CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program
This is more of a program commitment than it is simply a scholarship. This opportunity is offered through the CIA and is open to any high school senior planning to attend a four-year college, or a current college student.
If selected, you’ll receive a salary of up to $18,000 per year, as well as full benefits. In exchange, you’ll work at the CIA in Washington, D.C. every summer.
Deadline: August 14
5. Signet Essay Contest
Signet Classics awards five scholarships of $1,000 to high school juniors and seniors. Applicants must write an essay about the year’s chosen literary classic from a list of provided topics; teachers then submit the essays to Signet.
Deadline: April 14
6. The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Each year the Barron Prize honors 15 young leaders, ages 8 to 18, who’ve made a significant positive impact to people and the environment.
Students must reside in the U.S. or Canada and be currently working on an inspiring service project, or have done so in the most recent 12 months to be eligible for this $5,000 award
Deadline: April 15
7. College JumpStart Scholarship
Open to anyone in grades 10 to 12 or currently enrolled in college, along with nontraditional students, the College JumpStart Scholarship offers various award amounts to students who are committed to their educations and their communities.
Submit a brief personal statement about your goals and achievements to apply.
Deadlines: April 15 and October 17
8. NDS Sophomore Merit Scholarship
The National Dairy Shrine also offers a scholarship for college sophomores pursuing a career in the dairy industry. First prize gets $1,500, and three runners-up get $1,000 each. Leadership, activities and academic performance are evaluated.
Deadline: April 15
9. NDS Junior Merit Scholarship
Undergraduates in their junior year who plan to work in the dairy industry may apply for this award, which has a first prize of $1,500 and three runner-up awards of $1,000 each. Leadership, activities, and academic performance are evaluated.
Deadline: April 15
10. ASHA Youth Scholarships
Exceptional high school students who are involved with American saddlebred horses, may apply. Academic success, financial need, community service and recommendations are considered. Awards amounts vary; a second award of $2,500 is available from the American Saddlebred Association of Alabama.
Deadline: April 30
11. Digital Responsibility E-Waste Scholarship
Write a tweet-length statement about electronic waste recycling to enter this $1,000 contest. The top 10 finalists will be asked to write a 500- to 1000-word essay.
Deadline: April 30
12. American Floral Endowment
AFE provides over 20 scholarships annually to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in floriculture and horticulture. Award amounts vary by scholarship.
Deadline: May 1
13. Paradigm Challenge
For the chance to win up to $100,000, the Paradigm Challenge encourages youth to use STEM skills and collaboration to come up with an original idea. Anyone ages 4 to 18 can enter this competition.
There are 91 prizes awarded ranging from $200 to $100,000.
Deadline: May 1
14. Society of Women Engineers Scholarships
By completing a single application, women in engineering, engineering technology or computer science in the U.S. or Mexico can apply for a host of scholarships from SWE. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Awards range from about $1,000 to $20,000.
Deadline: May 1 for incoming freshmen
15. Dr. Troy Dreiling Scholarship
If leadership is your strong suit this $1,000 scholarship is for you. Applicants are required to explain how they have exemplified leadership both in and out of school in a 500 word essay.
Deadline: May 1
16. Optimist International Oratorical Contest
Would you engage with an audience from the podium? Winning speakers at the local level can earn scholarships of $2,500, $1,500 or $1,000 at the district level.
Local club competition dates vary, but districts must submit their winner lists to Optimist International by May 15.
Deadline: May 15
17. Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
For this scholarship, respond to one of three essay prompts on Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” The contest is open to all students, from high school seniors to grad students. There are 84 winners, with prizes ranging from $50 to $20,000.
Deadline: May 15
18. PRSA Diversity Multicultural Scholarship
The Public Relations Student Society of America gives two awards of $1,500 to minority communications students. Applicants must be full-time students with at least junior status and a 3.0 GPA. PRSSA membership is not required, but applicants must submit a transcript, letter of recommendation and two-page essay on diversity in the public relations industry.
Deadline: May 26
19. Leavitt Machinery Scholarship
Leavitt Machinery’s $500 essay scholarship is open to any currently enrolled students and those expecting to attend college in the fall of 2017.
You must have a 3.0 GPA and respond to an essay prompt about how safety procedures prevented an injury in a situation either you or someone you know was involved in.
Deadline: May 31
20. Chely Wright LIKEME Scholarship
LIKEME is an organization that provides resources for LGBT teens and their communities. This $500 award is open to graduating high school seniors who’ve advocated for LGBT issues through community service and who demonstrate a commitment to the future of the LGBT community.
Deadline: May 31
21. Best Reviews Design Scholarship
This scholarship accepts any candidate who are either currently studying in high school or college or can prove they are enrolled to start at a future date. To win this $2,000 scholarship, write up to 500 words on how product design can impact the world in a positive way. There are two cycles each year for this one.
Deadlines: June 1 and December 1
22. Global Lift Equipment Scholarship
Open to any student with a 2.5 GPA, this scholarship is seriously unique: You apply by writing a 2,000-word essay from the viewpoint of an inanimate object that you choose from the website. The website says to think about the assignment like the Disney movie “Cars,” except it’s a short story about the company’s used equipment. Win $500 for your creative story.
Deadline: June 2
23. American-Scandinavian Foundation Translation Awards
The American-Scandinavian Foundation offers a $2,500 award and a $2,000 award for outstanding translations of Scandinavian works by authors born before 1800.
Deadline: June 15
24. BigSun Scholarship
High school seniors and college students can apply for BigSun Athletics’ BigSun Scholarship.
Students must be engaged in a sport of any kind and apply with an essay describing how their participation in high school sports influenced them.
Deadline: June 19
25. Lift Parts Express Scholarship
The $500 scholarship is open to students ages of 16 to 21 with a 3.0 GPA. You’re required to write an essay about how you plan to pay for college and the job you expect to have once you graduate.
Deadline: June 30
Lisa Rowan is a writer and producer at The Penny Hoarder.
Editorial assistant Haley Gonzalez contributed research to this post.
Header graphics created by Kristy Gaunt, Illustrative Designer at The Penny Hoarder.
The 5 Dumbest Things We Keep Spending Too Much Money On
You’ve done what you can to cut back your spending.You brew coffee at home, you don’t walk into Target and you refuse to order avocado toast. (Can you sense my millennial sarcasm there?)
But no matter how cognizant you are of your spending habits, you’re still stuck with those inescapable monthly bills.
You know which ones we’re talking about: rent, utilities, cell phone bill, insurance, groceries…
Ready to stop paying them? Follow these moves…