If You’re an AT&T Customer, Your Movie Dates Just Got Cheaper

Do you love catching new movies on the big screen, but hate paying the big tab for tickets? Sometimes you feel broke before you even get to the snack bar.
Maybe you should skip your Saturday night date and hit the movies on Tuesday instead.
If you’re tied to the right phone company, you can even take a friend for free.
The AT&T Thanks Ticket Twosdays program rewards AT&T wireless customers with accounts in good standing with buy-one, get-one-free movie tickets — if you go on a Tuesday.
Buy one ticket to a regular old 2-D movie and receive another ticket to the same show for free.
How to Get Free Movie Tickets From AT&T
Eligible customers can access this offer every six days, with a limited number of BOGO tickets available each week. Visit the Ticket Twosdays site and enter your valid AT&T wireless number.
You’ll receive a text message with a validation code to enter on the website. Then click through to see what showtimes are available near you. I tested the site and found most of the movie theaters in my area participate.
You’ll also get a second text message with a link to purchase tickets if you don’t want to buy right away. (This is the part where you frantically text your friends to see who’s free on Tuesday.)
The best part about this BOGO deal (besides going to the movies for half price) is you don’t have to wait until Tuesday to snag the deal — you can plan ahead and make sure there’s a movie you truly want to see in the theater. Plus, the theater is less crowded during the week.
So make Tuesday your new date night (whether your date is a friend or your beau), and put that extra $12 back in the piggy bank.
Your Turn: How do you save on trips to the movies?
Lisa Rowan is a writer, editor and podcaster living in Washington, D.C. She only goes to the theater for loud, improbable action movies (looking at you, Furious 7).