If You Want to Waste $1,825 This Year, Don’t Use This Free Tool When You Shop Online

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Are you a billionaire who uses twenty-dollar bills as wallpaper in one of your thirteen-and-a-half bathrooms? Then keep moving along — this tip isn’t for you.


But we’re guessing you’re not that and that you actually care about your money. And saving as much of it as you can. Well, us too. And luckily there’s a free tool you can use every single time you shop online to help you do just that.


It’s as simple as adding a browser extension to your desktop.


All you have to do is install the Capital One Shopping extension, and it gets right to work. When you shop at your favorite stores online, like Amazon or Target, it will scour the internet for a lower price.


Let’s say you want to buy some headphones on Best Buy’s website. This tool will search thousands of other websites to find the same model for less. It takes into account color, size, shipping fees and availability. If you can get it elsewhere cheaper — even from eBay — it’ll show you. And if there are coupons, or you can score Capital One Shopping Credits, those opportunities will pop up, too.


Once you’ve installed the extension, you’ll take a few additional steps to build out your account, including estimating your potential Capital One Shopping savings. We entered various monthly purchase amounts (25, 10 and five), taking all of our Amazon cart and restaurant delivery purchases into account. Our savings estimates ranged from $1,825 down to $365 annually.*


It could not be easier to save money when you shop online. But again, if you don’t care about your cash, then maybe downloading this free money-saving tool isn’t for you.

Kari Faber is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.

 *Savings will always vary. These were estimated using the Capital One online savings tool. The only way to know how much you’ll actually save is to start using Capital One Shopping today.

Capital One Shopping compensates us when you get the browser extension using the links provided.