This Company Will Send a Free Healthy Snack to Your Friends and Family

KIND bars
Mike Mozart under Creative Commons

I don’t often eat granola bars.

Not because I don’t love them (I do), but because many contain a ton of sketchy ingredients and added sugar.

The only ones I pack on hiking or kayaking trips? KIND bars.

Not only are they delicious, but they’re made with good ingredients. Plus, my favorites, like the Caramel, Almond & Sea Salt, only have five grams of sugar. Compare that to NutriGrain or Nature Valley, both of which have 11 grams.

I’m also happy to support a company whose goals include “making kindness a state of mind.”

One perfect example? Their #kindawesome promotion, which encourages you to send free KIND snacks to your friends and family.

How to Send Free KIND Snacks to a Friend

The #kindawesome campaign is running indefinitely. It’s “A little program we cooked up to celebrate kind acts everywhere,” according to KIND.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Spot someone being kind.
  2. Send that person an e-card through the #kindawesome website.
  3. After submitting their address, they’ll receive two free KIND snacks in the mail.
  4. They can choose to pass the kindness on by sending more snacks.
  5. You can also send more KIND snacks to the kind people in your life.

Yay for KINDness and free snacks!

Your Turn: Do you like KIND bars?

Susan Shain, senior writer for The Penny Hoarder, is always seeking adventure on a budget. Visit her blog at, or say hi on Twitter @susan_shain.