Work From Home

Android Users: Lionbridge Is Hiring Reviewers of Apps and Internet Searches

Android fans, your job awaits.

Internet testing service Lionbridge is looking for temporary, part-time mobile and desktop internet search reviewers. For this role, you’ll need to be a tech-savvy Android cell phone user who regularly downloads apps through the Play Store. You’ll also need a PC, as some of the tasks require you to use both your phone and computer. 

You’ll work a maximum of 10 hours per week, depending on task availability.

And just a heads-up: The company will only offer one job per IP address.

US Mobile and Desktop Internet Search Reviewer at Lionbridge

Responsibilities include:

  • Evaluating apps and online search results to improve their content and quality.
  • Completing mobile-based tasks using a cell phone and computer.

Applicants for this position must:

  • Be fluent in written and verbal English.
  • Be tech savvy and able to use a variety of apps and web browsers.
  • Own a PC (desktop or laptop).
  • Own an Android Smartphone with the latest OS version (currently v6.0 Marshmallow) and be willing to download apps regularly.
  • Use Gmail daily as a primary email account. 
  • Be active users of social media.
  • Have lived in the United States for at least the past three consecutive years and have familiarity with current historical business, media, sports, news, social media and cultural affairs.

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Tiffany Wendeln Connors is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder. Read her bio and other work here, then catch her on Twitter @TiffanyWendeln.