Now Hiring: This Company is Paying People to Caption Movies and TV Shows

Do you watch way too many Netflix shows, Disney movies or informational YouTube videos?
Well, you can finally list it as a qualification on your resume. Online audio and video transcribing platform is hiring a work-from-home video captioner.
Now you can finally watch TV — and get paid.
What Does a Video Captioner Do?
A captioner is like a transcriptionist. You’ll watch classic TV shows, modern movies, educational videos — you name it — and write what you hear.
You can do this from the comfort of your couch, bed, yoga mat, bathtub — whatever you prefer. You’ll just need a computer, headset, broadband internet and strong English skills. Then Rev will train you.
You can pick up work as frequently you’d like and “choose freely” the projects you want to work on — just like a freelancer. You’ll set your own hours, so if you get home from work at 6 p.m. and want to caption a video, just hop online.
How Much Would I Make as a Video Captioner?
Depending on the project, you’ll make 40 to 75 cents per video minute. However, you can’t expect it to take exactly 30 minutes for a 30-minute video. From my experience as a transcriber, you’ll need to rewind a time or two… or three.
Even so, Rev notes the average monthly earnings of $240 — top captioners have earned as much as $1,570.
You’ll get paid once a week via PayPal.
How Do I Become a Video Captioner?
Just apply online. If you’re accepted, you can start earning money within 48 hours.
Are you ready?
The application process takes about an hour. You’ll fill out basic personal information: your name, email address, number of hours you can work and your Internet speed. (You need Chrome or Firefox, by the way, as well as a functioning headset.)
You’ll then move to a multiple choice test to test your knowledge of grammar, verb forms, word choice and sentence structure. The questions are pretty simple, so don’t get intimidated. (Example: How old ___ you?)
Also, know the difference between there, their and they’re.
Finally, you’ll be asked to provide a 200-word (max) writing sample. The prompt asks you to write about your hometown and gives you questions, so you have a guide to get started.
Now you’re good as the “Golden Girls” to learn how to caption movies!
Your Turn: Have you ever been paid to watch movies or TV?
Carson Kohler (@CarsonKohler) is a junior writer at The Penny Hoarder. After recently completing graduate school, she focuses on saving money — and surviving the move back in with her parents.